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2012/01/19 AM 10:24:03

General planting tips

No matter how moist the surface of the soil feels, before planting, submerge each potted specimen in a bucket of water until the escaping bubbles dissipate; then remove and drain. Trim back any dead or damaged growth and, afgter removing the pot, any overly long roots. Dig over the area to be planted, improving the soil as necessary.

Planting levels --- Ding the planting hole deep enough to accommodate the root ball so that the plant is at the same depth as it was in its pot.

Firming in ---
Check the plant is level and that you haven’t buried any foliage. Firm the soil with your hands (or gently with a foot).

Watering ---
Using soaker or shower pattern of AquaLean hand spray to give the new plant a long drink. This helps to fill soil gaps around the root ball and moistens the surrounding ground.

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