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2011/12/13 AM 11:42:31

Premium Hose Cart / CHC2112

Premium Hose Cart 
equipped with convenient hose guide

Winding on the hose :
( 1 ) Slide the Accessory Hilder onto the Long U Frame.
( 2 ) Place the Hose Layering Guide between the Long U Frame and align it against the screw holes.
Secure the guide using the screws provided.

( 3 ) Insert Metal Cross Bar and Short U Frame into the bottom of the Side Frames.  Insert the Long U Frame into the top of the Side Frames.

( 4 ) Attach the Wheels to the wheel stand and insert Wheel Covers onto the Wheels.

( 5 ) Firmly press the two Reel Supports into the recess on the Reel Flanges. Place assembled drum between Side Frames.

( 6 ) Connect Hose Connector to the Angled Hose Adaptor. Insert Angled Hose Adaptor inside the left drum and attached the remaining Hose Connector to the outside of the Angled Hose Adaptor.

( 7 ) Insert the Crank Handle into the Right Side Frame.

( 8 ) The Premium Hose Cart is now ready to use. 

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