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2011/12/12 AM 11:10:48

Compact Hose Cart / CHC2701

Compact Hose Cart 
modeling-wise / streamline

Using plastic-grip towing handle up to  the highest for cart movement and lower down the towing handle inside the cart body for easy storage.

Instructions :
( 1 ) Remove orange fitting on the side of the cart and attach tap adaptor to threaded inlet.
( 2 ) Push handle onto winder positioned on the side of the cart.

( 3 ) Connect cart to garden tap using a AquaLean Tap to Reel Connector.

( 4 ) Lift up the cart's lid and remove the strap from around the garden hose.
( 5 ) Your AquaLean Cart Away is now ready for use.

Handy Tips :

( 1 ) Rewind hose turning handle in an anti-clockwise direction. Side manual hose guide to rewind hose evenly.

( 2 ) The cart can be stabilised by securing the stakes onto the base of the cart. Ensure handle is pushed down before inserting the stakes.
( 3 ) Retractable handle to allow the reel to be moved easily.

( 4 ) When not in use store the hose on the side clip.

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